Friday, January 30, 2009


Lets face it, the country has been put into a tailspin that will be hard to pull out of, we need to draw THE line and draw it now. The politicians have sold us down the river for their own personal gain and the need to hold onto the power that comes with their positions.
At the age of 52 I have been through some fairly rough times, but I had youth and health on my side at the time, there were no "depressions" like my parents went through, but there were several noteworthy recessions, I had trouble finding jobs but I always held out hope and it always seemed to work out, but now I am facing age discrimination and over qualification syndrome as well, the hope is not what it once was and its getting worse by the day.
We will see unprecedented unemployment, crime, corruption and violence, who should shoulder most of the blame for the conundrum we face, right off hand there are 635 people that spring to mind, that's right, the congress as a whole have let this happen and all they can continue to do is in fight and try to split the weaker party and gain the upper hand for the long term.
What would happen if these politicians started getting assassinated, if you know where to look you can find the sites of movements that are planning to do just that, there are people out there that are more than willing to "take one for the team", team America that is, and they are going to start at the top and work their way down. Tops on the list is the arrogant, brainless out of touch Nancy Pelosi, next is Harry Reid then as follows Murtha, Rangel, Boxer, Feinstein, Lautenberg, Kerry, Durban and the list goes on, this is not me making any kind of personal threat, the information is out there for the general public to gather and do with it what they will.
The American way of life is being threatened by these political hacks that espouse greed, corruption slander, excessiveness, arrogance, omnipotence, socialistic tendencies, class warfare, racial divide, vote buying, cowardice and just plain ignorance. Most of these myrmidons are so far out of touch that they cannot understand what they have done to our country, all thought of self reliance, thrift, personal responsibility and freedom no longer ring with these gutless pigs.
I could go on for hours but the only thing that I have to say to the 635 is get out while you still can because certain factions are going to insure term limits with hollow point surety, and to all good and decent hard working "American citizens", stock up on ammo because bloody revolution is what made this country the greatest in the world, it may come down to that.
In parting I will ask the question, are you willing to kill to defend our country, the troops say yes, I say yes.....I doubt that you will hear many of the spineless jellyfish in Washington say yes.

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