Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Why do THE RATS ON THE HILL get to neglect their jobs when they are applying for a better one, why are Senators or Governors allowed to go out campaigning and traveling all over the world and still get to keep their jobs, why is there no risk involved for THE RATS when they try to lie, promise and buy their way into higher office.
I say "BET YOUR JOB AGAINST THE HOUSE", that's right, if you run for another office when you are already in office, you should have to vacate the existing office, win or lose!
Look at Kerry and Lieberman, they ran for higher office and were defeated, they neglected their posts for over a year, but they weren't worried, win or lose, they still had something to "fall back on". Term limits would ultimately solve this problem, my idea would be this, speaking only in terms of national political office. The house of Representatives, the senate and the presidency.
If elected to the house, you would get one six year term, you would not be eligible to run for that position again, then if you ran for the senate and won, you would get another six year term and would not be eligible to run for that seat again, then if you chose to run for the presidency and won, you would get another six year term....That's it!
The worst thing that could happen to us is to have one of these hacks for 18 years, this would do away with the special interest bias and the government would have a better chance of policing itself. I challenge anyone to come up with a better plan, more importantly, I challenge THE RATS to put it into action.

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