Saturday, August 23, 2008


As a Conservative independent I hail the choice of Joe Biden as Obamas running mate, this makes it a safe bet that the ultra-liberals will not slither into the White House after all.
Biden is best known as a plagiarist and a hypocrite, this is only because he has NEVER done anything noteworthy in his 35+ year congressional career, as a law student at Syracuse, he was caught plagiarising an article from an obscure paper published in the Fordham Law Review, of course he said that there was no malevolence or intent behind the incident, but I believe that this is a character flaw that is all too common in congress today, THE RATS ARE FAT AND LAZY, they know that unless they really screw up, their incumbent status makes it hard for them to be thrown out of office, that's why we need term limits, Joe Biden is about as fresh a breath of air as my high school gym locker was.
Joe, we got the goods on you, if you plan on being Obamas attack dog, forget it, take the high road Joe, it will be a good way to be remembered.

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