Friday, August 29, 2008


I just heard about McCains pick for the V.P. slot, and it's the smart move.
Sarah Palin is an unknown, I'll admit that I don't know much about her, I have read as much as I could find, she sounds like an American success story, her life could be made into a movie, she has accomplished quite a bit in 44 years.
I am willing to go out on a limb and throw out some gut feelings about Palin, she is the mother of 5, her last child was diagnosed with Downs Syndrome in the womb, she made the smart move, she had the baby, she understands the true meaning of life. This is not an article arguing the abortion issue, but there are people in this world that would do almost anything to have a baby, no matter what the circumstance, then there are people in this world that would do anything for the sake of their own personal convenience, this is an exercise in commitment, this is a person that knows what she believes in, no amount of political experience can trump that!
I am an outdoorsman and a fishing junkie, Palin was a commercial fisherman, I have friends that live in Alaska, they truly are "a different breed" of people, they are resolute and seem to have a love for the land that I don't completely understand, but I actually trust them almost blindly.
Palin has been labeled a "reformer" and a "maverick", she blew the whistle on corruption in Alaska's political men's club, she urged restraint on earmarks that have made Alaska a pork barrel laughing stock, she speaks clearly and with conviction, uncoached and from the hip.
It is my opinion that unlike another carpet bagging female politician, who's been mired in scandal after scandal, tolerates a philandering pompous ass of a husband, has accomplished little if anything in her "service" in the Senate, Sarah Palin will raise the bar, not for women, but for politicians across the board, I have not been thrilled with any female politician in my lifetime, nor any politician for that matter, most of the female politicians seemed to vote with their hearts rather than their heads, I still demand term limits for all political office holders on the national level, its a shame that when we get, what I believe will be a great one with Palin, the RATS ON THE HILL have already sullied the system.

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