Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Obama and Biden, what a couple of "gentleman" they are, I understand that this is politics and the gloves are off, but its still cowardly to hit below the belt, going after family is off limits, Obama even said so.
The O-Biden camp knows that the tooth paste is already out of the tube, they are smugly trying to look gallant by espousing the virtue of the sanctity of keeping the family off limits, they are going to let their whippin' boys in the media do the dirty work for them, to smear this woman all over the visual, cyber and print world.
This lady has more "guts", for lack of a better word, than the combination of the O-Biden slugs will ever hope to have, whats even better is that its not going to work, this strategy will backfire on the demoRATS, they will have to call off the media dogs when they watch their polling numbers go down steadily due to the fact that Americans will not permit an intelligent, likable and decent woman to roll in the mud with the likes of these scoundrels.
I am writing this about 6 hours before she is scheduled to give her address, and my fondest wish is that she will start her speech with this sentence, "If you want to go after my daughter or my family, you are going to have to go through me to do it, if you want to talk about ideas and issues, lets get it on". If this was to happen, the election would be just a formality.

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