Saturday, September 13, 2008


Its a game of leap frog between CBS, NBC and ABC to see who can be the most biased and disrespectful to the Republican candidates, as I have stated before, I am an independent conservative and I will back the person(s) that have the best ideas and implementation process.
I was not able to watch much of the Charles Gibson/Sarah Palin interview due to the fact that as soon as I tuned in I saw Charlie sitting there wearing his grandfathers glasses with the wistful expression of a Hyena on his face, at that point I knew that it would be a waste of time.
It was Charlies turn to make an ass out of himself that night, asking ridiculous questions filled with innuendo and hypothetical situations, at one point in time I kinda liked Charlie, he seemed rather pleasant and courteous, but now he is rolling in the mud with Katie and Brian.
As for those two, I have scraped more useful and interesting things off the bottom of my shoe after walking through tall grass than Williams, if he looked like Ernie Borgnine he wouldn't have gotten the job, and Katie, she would be more suited to the radio, then viewers would not have to see the smugness of a woman that is getting trounced in the ratings.
The bottom line folks is that Charlie, Katie and whats his name DO NOT MATTER, they are not relevant, they cannot be trusted.....but I know that you knew that already.

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