Friday, September 12, 2008


I wish I would have written what I knew I should have written before Biden did his option play groveling at the feet of Obama, if I would have written this piece 1 week ago this is what it would have sounded like.
After the RNC the demorats were wide eyed, they were stunned, they had shot themselves in the foot and they knew it, Sarah Palin took all the fanfare away from their parade and they did not like it one bit, this is the conversation that I can almost see Obama and Biden having the day after the RNC adjourned.
Obama: Joe are you feeling alright, you don't look so good!
Biden: I'm not sure, what do you think might be wrong with me?
Obama: Perhaps its some type of obscure disease, what do you think?
Biden: Oh yeah, I really should get it "checked out"....wink....wink!
Obama: Wink....wink, yes for "your sake" you really should!
Biden: Do you think that it could be serious enough for me to resign??
Obama: It just might be, wink...wink, perhaps you should consider that option!
Biden: Do you think the public might think, the fix is in Sir?
Obama: I will smooth it over with them, its "you" that I'm concerned about!
Biden: Oh...ah yes, thank you sir for "your" concern wink....wink!
Obama: Alright, get Hillary on the phone and go get me a pack of smokes!!!
The RATS are not above trying to pull a stunt like this, does the phrase "October surprise" mean anything to you?
But it won't work, as usual, the Clintons are in the cat bird seat, they will drag their feet and be generally uncooperative to make sure that Obama loses this election. Hillary is already looking towards 2012, she doesn't want to get mixed up with this knuckle head and she does not play second fiddle to an amateur like Obama.
Senator Obama, you have been had!, the Clintons led you to the slaughter and McCain & Palin finished the spent all this time and money to become the biggest patsie of them all.

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