Friday, January 30, 2009


Lets face it, the country has been put into a tailspin that will be hard to pull out of, we need to draw THE line and draw it now. The politicians have sold us down the river for their own personal gain and the need to hold onto the power that comes with their positions.
At the age of 52 I have been through some fairly rough times, but I had youth and health on my side at the time, there were no "depressions" like my parents went through, but there were several noteworthy recessions, I had trouble finding jobs but I always held out hope and it always seemed to work out, but now I am facing age discrimination and over qualification syndrome as well, the hope is not what it once was and its getting worse by the day.
We will see unprecedented unemployment, crime, corruption and violence, who should shoulder most of the blame for the conundrum we face, right off hand there are 635 people that spring to mind, that's right, the congress as a whole have let this happen and all they can continue to do is in fight and try to split the weaker party and gain the upper hand for the long term.
What would happen if these politicians started getting assassinated, if you know where to look you can find the sites of movements that are planning to do just that, there are people out there that are more than willing to "take one for the team", team America that is, and they are going to start at the top and work their way down. Tops on the list is the arrogant, brainless out of touch Nancy Pelosi, next is Harry Reid then as follows Murtha, Rangel, Boxer, Feinstein, Lautenberg, Kerry, Durban and the list goes on, this is not me making any kind of personal threat, the information is out there for the general public to gather and do with it what they will.
The American way of life is being threatened by these political hacks that espouse greed, corruption slander, excessiveness, arrogance, omnipotence, socialistic tendencies, class warfare, racial divide, vote buying, cowardice and just plain ignorance. Most of these myrmidons are so far out of touch that they cannot understand what they have done to our country, all thought of self reliance, thrift, personal responsibility and freedom no longer ring with these gutless pigs.
I could go on for hours but the only thing that I have to say to the 635 is get out while you still can because certain factions are going to insure term limits with hollow point surety, and to all good and decent hard working "American citizens", stock up on ammo because bloody revolution is what made this country the greatest in the world, it may come down to that.
In parting I will ask the question, are you willing to kill to defend our country, the troops say yes, I say yes.....I doubt that you will hear many of the spineless jellyfish in Washington say yes.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Hi, Tom Sachs back with you again, if you know where to look there is some very interesting if not disturbing rumblings going on out here in suckerland, politicians are not going be able to get away with business as usual, if they think that they can take their elitist attitudes and power intoxicationism to new heights I would urge restraint, as the nation teeters on the brink of depression, racial and class warfare will divide us ever further.
As the RATS ON THE HILL gear up for lavish inaugural parties there is an element of our society that boils with an almost unquenchable disdain and hatred for the Rats that got us into this mess, yes, there is an element out here, perhaps unemployed, homeless or about to be, financially ruined or about to be, future looking gloomy and stressed to the point of snapping.
There is one thing that the liberals can all agree on, guns in the hands of the great unwashed must end, and they will go to any extreme to accomplish this, either force or bribery will be the methods of choice, but they have underestimated their foe, the hunters are about to be the hunted because alot of the people in this movement have spent their last dollar on guns, ammo or both, these people have read the constitution and actually understand what it means, they believe the statement "Taxation without representation is tyranny" and they believe as I do that they have not been represented by these hacks in Washington. These bumbling idiot career politicians that can accomplish nothing for the country but they can always to make a concerted bi-partisan effort to vote themselves pay raises, benefit packages and pensions that are out of reach on 99.9% of the people they are supposed to be working for.
As I said at the beginning of this article, if you know where to look you can find the books and sites of the factions that are planning to take action against the RATS ON THE HILL, I am a backer of term limits, the type that prevents the RATS from having multiple terms via the ballot box, but these groups are planning to invoke their own version of term limits, they have been betrayed one time too many and they are going to take executive action, I don't condone it, but I can understand it, the pro-life movement will also be out in covert force, the message is going to be sent.
Ending back in the 1940's and 1950's the people that held public office were called statesman, politician was a slur relegated to the corrupt and hypocritical in office, seems funny that there are no more "Statesman" only politicians, there may still be a few statesman around but they have been overshadowed by the politicians, I don't think I ever heard Lincoln, Jefferson or Washington called a "politician" have you?
From today forward, politicians be warned, beware the danger money, it will make you do things that you wouldn't normally do, it will also make the those you have deceived do things that they wouldn't normally do.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Hi Tom Sachs back with you and I know how this is going to sound, I do not sugar coat the truth, since I offer the best political and social commentary on the web I'm about to put my foot down on this particular subject.
They almost had to peel me off the ceiling last week when I read that the mayor of Philadelphia wants his cut of the bailout money, I was livid when I screamed out "HOW DARE YOU".
When my blood pressure finally came back down to 240/160 and I was able to think a little more clearly, I knew that the time had come to write this column, like it or not this is the ugly truth.
Lets take a look at the facts, I'm going to list some cities and you need to find the common thread, Detroit, Baltimore, D.C, Atlanta and Philadelphia. High crime, corruption, unemployment, illegitimate birth rates, gangs and a crumbling infrastructure, yeah I would say that's accurate, how about one more thing, they are all being run by black administrations, you heard me right, these people did not get into office riding on their credentials, they got in on the basis of lets thumb our nose at the establishment and prove that we can control our political future no matter how bleak it may be.
In D.C. the honorable Marion Barry gets caught on video tape smoking crack with a prostitute and gets re-elected, in Atlanta former mayor Bill Campbell is still in jail on corruption convictions while Maynard Jackson, also of Atlanta, died before they could put him behind bars for a number of shady deals, in Detroit, their former mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was convicted of lying under oath and a couple of weeks ago he got caught dining and dashing at a Detroit restaurant.
The point that I am trying to make here is that I think it is more than just coincidence that these cities have that common thread, is that racist, I don't think so, first of all its a fact, secondly I have not invoked the true definition of racism by saying this.
Sure there are plenty of white and Hispanic politicians that have been caught and convicted of crimes while either in or out of office, but the difference is that they don't get re-elected.
The political landscape is littered with people that should not be allowed out in public, I know that, but lets not punish the masses for the sins of the few.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Hi, Tom Sachs back with you again, lets see, I think I'll have my crow with a nice teriyaki glaze.
OK, alright, I got slapped around over this presidential election, I got beat bad in my prediction of the outcome, but we all lose, this will get worse under weak leadership and liberal shenanigans.
I cannot believe that the republicans let this golden opportunity slip right through their inept little hands, they had the chance to do the right thing, build momentum, get a filibuster proof congress and make important strides toward energy independence and tax reform, in my opinion these are the two most important issues of our day because they both have national security implications.
I don't think I have to explain the energy issue, the way these bumbling hack politicians have squandered the time to put the plan into action is enough for all of them to be brought up on charges of treason...yes, treason, this is THE highest priority national security issue of our time.
People are wining about bailouts, unemployment, real estate values, stock market upheaval and anything else they don't like, this would all pale in comparison to lets say, a two month oil embargo against the west, there would be anarchy, lawlessness, starvation and suffering the likes of which would make the great depression look like a tea party.
Those RATS Nancy Pelousy and Harry Greed would advocate opening up the strategic oil reserves, great, that would leave the military with no fuel to protect the country, folks I hope that you see, this is akin to living paycheck to paycheck, we have to tap our own energy reserves, we need to make the United States like"a badger in a barrel" to the countries that hate us, once we become energy independent we can say,"go ahead and try to pull the badger out of the barrel", I can guarantee you that arm will come back missing about half way up to your elbow.
Most people do not understand taxes so I'll make it real simple, we need to move this country to a consumption based tax system, this gives everybody the pleasure of paying taxes, it will eliminate the underground economy as well as corporate taxes and make this country the ultimate tax haven, worldwide companies won't be able to fill out the paper work fast enough to get their headquarters in here.
Another thing about taxes, the rich should not pay any higher taxes(by percentage)than anyone else, the rich have figured out how to make their time more valuable than most other peoples and most of them have done it through a good education, a good idea and a good work ethic which is within the grasp of almost every American.
A tax system, like the FAIR TAX, or something very similar would super-turbo-charge our economy like nothing the world has ever witnessed before.
Read it and weep folks, the RATS ON THE HILL will not allow these changes to be made because it may usurp their power and put back into the hands of the people where it belongs, which proves my point even more clearly, the RATS ON THE HILL cannot see the forest for the trees, if they would implement these changes they wouldn't have to settle for having the street that leads to the garbage dump named after them, they could becomes great patriots in the vain of Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln and Adams, well that may be going a little too far, but at least they might get a federal penitentiary named after them...seems fitting.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Hi folks, Tom Sachs back with you, depending on how old you are you may remember the title line from a margarine commercial, that lady really looked pissed when they tried to pass off margarine as butter, I also used to watch the MUTUAL OF OMAHAS' WILD KINGDOM every Sunday and I cannot remember Marlon Perkins ever saying, "look Jim, that lioness just ran past the Impala with the broken leg to pursue the one that is running for its' life at 50 miles per hour.
The point here folks is that in nature, only the strong survive, the weak must yield to the able, no female animal seeks out the weak and feeble to choose as a mate, the propagation of the species depends on these seemingly unintelligent animals to make the right decisions, and they ALWAYS do.
The income redistribution crowd wants to fly in the face of nature, they want to make sure that the weak, uneducated, nonconforming, dregs of society are allowed to ride the coat tails of the thrifty, hard working, sober, conscientious, achievers that water the money tree.
Have you ever noticed that educated responsible citizens usually only have 1,2 or 3 children, a family that they can manage and stay on top of, while the sloppy, underachievers seem to be able to pop out 5,6,7,or 10 which usually each have a different father, if they even know who the father is at all. The Obama socialist platform is a very dangerous concept at a time that we can least afford to dabble in social engineering, we need to make the strong stronger and we need to make the dregs realize that they will not be able to sit around waiting for handouts from the achievement crowd.
America is a good and decent country, we are the most charitable and the most compassionate people on Earth, liberals like Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Reid, Waters and the rest of them are very generous with your money, it makes them feel good to buy the soles of the ignorant and the poor, but don't ask them to do it with their own money.
Obama is a comitted socialist and thats fine with the liberal demorats, if Obama does get elected, which I have gone on record saying that won't happen, you will see an upheaval by the public that will make the 1994 election look like a panty raid.
A word to the wise, go out and stock up on ammo while you can.."cuz its gonna get ugly out there".

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hi, Tom Sachs back with you, just when you think you have seen it all, the demorats sink to a new low, as I've said before, I am an independent conservative, the republicans have also been a miserable failure, I will back the PERSON that has the best ideas and implementation system and I think that this whole financial crap storm can be laid at the feet of the current congress, with that said, the demorats pulled a beaut here in Georgia.
If you have ever been in traffic court and had to sit through a bunch of cases, you will most likely hear the phrase "ignorance of the law is no excuse", this pertains to the omission defense.
The democratic party is running ads on behalf of their candidate saying that the republican incumbent backs raising the sales tax by 23%, which will effect groceries, gasoline and other goods and services. The problem with this type of scare tactic is that they omitted the fact that the republican was talking about implementing the FAIR TAX which would do away with most taxes including corporate, capital gains, death, social security, FICA and more. In my opinion, this is the most scurrilous campaign tactic that I have ever witnessed, this is a blatant bold faced lie and most of the voting public is too ignorant to do the research and seek out the truth.
What makes it even worse is that the demorat candidate is going along with, this is Pelosi, Reid, Frank and Obama in a nutshell, say or don't say anything to get a hold of power and keep it.
We need term limits now folks, these bumbling hacks have almost sent the country into a depression, a recession at best will be the outcome of their efforts. And don't forget, all of these RATS ON THE HILL are wealthy, I remember one time I heard some woman say, if they have no bread, let them eat cake, boy, now thats a real "knee slapper". I wonder what ever happened to her?

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hello again, Tom Sachs back with you and I just wanted to know if you have been effected by the media tactic of the month, this would be the old "don't bother going out to vote, JOEBAMA already has the election in the bag, just fetch up a Koran and the chief justice of the Supreme Court and lets swear him in play".
I want to go on record right now as saying that the fear factor will derail the JOEBAMA express, many of the white voters are going to have a change of heart just days maybe even hours before pulling the lever, I liken this to the movie PATTON, putting Obama in office during wartime would be like putting the soldier that Patton slapped around in charge of the third Army at a pivotal time in history, it wouldn't be the right thing to do.
McCain will win this election and thats the way the Clinton's want it, yes, the Clinton clan will be working behind the scenes to make sure that Obama is nothing but a bad memory when this is all done, Hillary only has one more of her nine lives left, politically speaking, and she is praying for an Obama loss so that she can fulfill her destiny, this will probably put a strain on Bills dating and social life, but I think he will be a team player and be a little more discreet.
I know that it sounds like I'm all over the place and maybe I am, but put your money in the kitty, this bet is a lock.