Monday, October 27, 2008


Hi folks, Tom Sachs back with you, depending on how old you are you may remember the title line from a margarine commercial, that lady really looked pissed when they tried to pass off margarine as butter, I also used to watch the MUTUAL OF OMAHAS' WILD KINGDOM every Sunday and I cannot remember Marlon Perkins ever saying, "look Jim, that lioness just ran past the Impala with the broken leg to pursue the one that is running for its' life at 50 miles per hour.
The point here folks is that in nature, only the strong survive, the weak must yield to the able, no female animal seeks out the weak and feeble to choose as a mate, the propagation of the species depends on these seemingly unintelligent animals to make the right decisions, and they ALWAYS do.
The income redistribution crowd wants to fly in the face of nature, they want to make sure that the weak, uneducated, nonconforming, dregs of society are allowed to ride the coat tails of the thrifty, hard working, sober, conscientious, achievers that water the money tree.
Have you ever noticed that educated responsible citizens usually only have 1,2 or 3 children, a family that they can manage and stay on top of, while the sloppy, underachievers seem to be able to pop out 5,6,7,or 10 which usually each have a different father, if they even know who the father is at all. The Obama socialist platform is a very dangerous concept at a time that we can least afford to dabble in social engineering, we need to make the strong stronger and we need to make the dregs realize that they will not be able to sit around waiting for handouts from the achievement crowd.
America is a good and decent country, we are the most charitable and the most compassionate people on Earth, liberals like Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Reid, Waters and the rest of them are very generous with your money, it makes them feel good to buy the soles of the ignorant and the poor, but don't ask them to do it with their own money.
Obama is a comitted socialist and thats fine with the liberal demorats, if Obama does get elected, which I have gone on record saying that won't happen, you will see an upheaval by the public that will make the 1994 election look like a panty raid.
A word to the wise, go out and stock up on ammo while you can.."cuz its gonna get ugly out there".

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