Monday, October 6, 2008


The slanted and biased media knows this better than anyone, they also know that they did not tell enough lies in favor of Gore and Kerry and they are not going to make that same mistake again with their boy Obama and his pet rock Joe Biden.
Most of the media will flat out lie about JOEBAMAS' record, but a lie by omission and truth obfuscation could be laughed off as an innocent mistake or irrelevant.
Make no mistake about, JOEBAMA is calling the shots and the media whores are dancing to whatever his tune of choice is for that particular political wind shift, this is not to say that McCain is without his own poor judgement on certain issues, but could you imagine what the media would do to McCain if he did not have his war record, they would be attacking with a vengeance like you have never saw before, the media knows that if they are not successful in getting JOEBAMA into the White house, they will be dismantled and they will lose any clout that they have. Integrity and credibility are no longer in the medias playbook, they have sold their collective souls to anti-American interests and liberal philosophy so when they tell you the sun won't rise in the east and the birds won't fly south for the winter, call them on it.

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