Friday, October 3, 2008


I would like to congratulate all of THE RATS ON THE HILL for their kind indulgence in rescuing our nation from certain collapse, good going...kudos...bully...highfive...yeehaw!!!
That is what I would do if I had the power, these good for nothing parasites almost ran our country into the ground leaving us vulnerable to the world at large, a world that hates us, due largely to the lack of leadership that has nearly deemed us a second rate power.
Luckily for us, we still hold the reigns of the financial world, if not for that we would have been eaten alive by the oil gangsters, that's right, are you starting to see how the common denominator(oil) is threatening the national security of our country, only about 3%-5% of the mortgages in this country are in trouble, nice smoke screen gang, but it won't work and the truth will surface faster than you think. How dare the RATS ON THE HILL risk everything for the sake of political power, these enemies of the state disguised in nice suits, drinking coffee with that sycophant Barbara Walters and the rest of that witches covey she hangs with, sorry Elizabeth, if term limits are good enough for a president, they are more that good enough for the rest of the RATS.
I'm just a good ole country boy transplanted to Georgia from Chicago, I love the outdoors and I love fishing, I used to hunt but I don't hunt any more...too much work. For those of you who have never shot a deer, I want to let you know what happens just moments after that deers heart stops pumping blood, once the deer has expired and the body temperature starts to drop, you will start to see ticks, those nasty little blood sucking parasites, start to release from their host, they realize that this source of nourishment is no longer viable for them to feed off of, so they get their bellies full of blood and then roam the forest floor in search of another victim.
Am I getting through to you here, am I drawing a clear parallel between a known parasite and a parasite disguised in a $2000 worth of designer clothes. This is nature folks, not every tick that hatches will find an unsuspecting blood donor, in fact most of them will die having never tasted the blood that nature programs them to find, but the ones that do find blood will always be successful, they have tasted the blood and know where to find it.
The RATS ON THE HILL and the scum on Wall Street are programmed the same way, once the blood(money) supply is cut off, they will go looking for another unwitting host to feed off of, and just like their blood sucking brethren, they will hog the most valuable commodity all while doing the least amount of work.

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