Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hello again, Tom Sachs back with you and I just wanted to know if you have been effected by the media tactic of the month, this would be the old "don't bother going out to vote, JOEBAMA already has the election in the bag, just fetch up a Koran and the chief justice of the Supreme Court and lets swear him in play".
I want to go on record right now as saying that the fear factor will derail the JOEBAMA express, many of the white voters are going to have a change of heart just days maybe even hours before pulling the lever, I liken this to the movie PATTON, putting Obama in office during wartime would be like putting the soldier that Patton slapped around in charge of the third Army at a pivotal time in history, it wouldn't be the right thing to do.
McCain will win this election and thats the way the Clinton's want it, yes, the Clinton clan will be working behind the scenes to make sure that Obama is nothing but a bad memory when this is all done, Hillary only has one more of her nine lives left, politically speaking, and she is praying for an Obama loss so that she can fulfill her destiny, this will probably put a strain on Bills dating and social life, but I think he will be a team player and be a little more discreet.
I know that it sounds like I'm all over the place and maybe I am, but put your money in the kitty, this bet is a lock.

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