Friday, October 3, 2008


This is a family blog and I hate to use any type of "R" rated language, but, COME ON!!!!!.
How can anyone that works for a living trying to take care of their family and themselves even think twice about electing anyone that promises to raise taxes. The JOEBAMA crew has promised to do just that, take away more of your money by gun point.
In your wildest hallucinations, would you think the RATS ON THE HILL know better than you how your money should be spent, the bail out was a direct product of the RATS being bought off by the scum on Wall Street, we will never see that money again, but the RATS will take more and more and more and more, until there is no more to take, and that's damn' near what happened this time. The ship was sinking and the HEAD RATS were looking for life jackets, the music almost stopped and there were only a few chairs to be had, and look who got the seats, PELOSI and REID, two of the most despicable RATS that have ever crawled out of that sewer called Washington. Pelosi always has that smug look of a woman that has just publicly embarrassed her daughter in law, she knows that she can push the envelope a little further because she is a (gulp) woman, any male RAT that would dare take her head off in debate would be classified a bully and she knows it, her hideous partisan remarks about their failed bail out plan were classics, and to this you would consider giving the RATS more of your money in the form of taxes.
I would be willing to bet that Harry Reid was the kid that got chased home from school on a daily basis and hid behind his mothers skirt right before the cool kids got there hands on him, he is a cowardly wimp that needs a good bitch slappin' to bring him back to the reality that the only real accomplishment he has a stake in is the near collapse of the financial markets which he gladly took money from to buy more votes.
I could go on and on, but for your own well being as well as mine...say no to any RAT that wants to get their hands on more of your money....TERM LIMITS NOW...THROW THE RATS OUT!!

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