Monday, October 27, 2008


Hi folks, Tom Sachs back with you, depending on how old you are you may remember the title line from a margarine commercial, that lady really looked pissed when they tried to pass off margarine as butter, I also used to watch the MUTUAL OF OMAHAS' WILD KINGDOM every Sunday and I cannot remember Marlon Perkins ever saying, "look Jim, that lioness just ran past the Impala with the broken leg to pursue the one that is running for its' life at 50 miles per hour.
The point here folks is that in nature, only the strong survive, the weak must yield to the able, no female animal seeks out the weak and feeble to choose as a mate, the propagation of the species depends on these seemingly unintelligent animals to make the right decisions, and they ALWAYS do.
The income redistribution crowd wants to fly in the face of nature, they want to make sure that the weak, uneducated, nonconforming, dregs of society are allowed to ride the coat tails of the thrifty, hard working, sober, conscientious, achievers that water the money tree.
Have you ever noticed that educated responsible citizens usually only have 1,2 or 3 children, a family that they can manage and stay on top of, while the sloppy, underachievers seem to be able to pop out 5,6,7,or 10 which usually each have a different father, if they even know who the father is at all. The Obama socialist platform is a very dangerous concept at a time that we can least afford to dabble in social engineering, we need to make the strong stronger and we need to make the dregs realize that they will not be able to sit around waiting for handouts from the achievement crowd.
America is a good and decent country, we are the most charitable and the most compassionate people on Earth, liberals like Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Reid, Waters and the rest of them are very generous with your money, it makes them feel good to buy the soles of the ignorant and the poor, but don't ask them to do it with their own money.
Obama is a comitted socialist and thats fine with the liberal demorats, if Obama does get elected, which I have gone on record saying that won't happen, you will see an upheaval by the public that will make the 1994 election look like a panty raid.
A word to the wise, go out and stock up on ammo while you can.."cuz its gonna get ugly out there".

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hi, Tom Sachs back with you, just when you think you have seen it all, the demorats sink to a new low, as I've said before, I am an independent conservative, the republicans have also been a miserable failure, I will back the PERSON that has the best ideas and implementation system and I think that this whole financial crap storm can be laid at the feet of the current congress, with that said, the demorats pulled a beaut here in Georgia.
If you have ever been in traffic court and had to sit through a bunch of cases, you will most likely hear the phrase "ignorance of the law is no excuse", this pertains to the omission defense.
The democratic party is running ads on behalf of their candidate saying that the republican incumbent backs raising the sales tax by 23%, which will effect groceries, gasoline and other goods and services. The problem with this type of scare tactic is that they omitted the fact that the republican was talking about implementing the FAIR TAX which would do away with most taxes including corporate, capital gains, death, social security, FICA and more. In my opinion, this is the most scurrilous campaign tactic that I have ever witnessed, this is a blatant bold faced lie and most of the voting public is too ignorant to do the research and seek out the truth.
What makes it even worse is that the demorat candidate is going along with, this is Pelosi, Reid, Frank and Obama in a nutshell, say or don't say anything to get a hold of power and keep it.
We need term limits now folks, these bumbling hacks have almost sent the country into a depression, a recession at best will be the outcome of their efforts. And don't forget, all of these RATS ON THE HILL are wealthy, I remember one time I heard some woman say, if they have no bread, let them eat cake, boy, now thats a real "knee slapper". I wonder what ever happened to her?

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hello again, Tom Sachs back with you and I just wanted to know if you have been effected by the media tactic of the month, this would be the old "don't bother going out to vote, JOEBAMA already has the election in the bag, just fetch up a Koran and the chief justice of the Supreme Court and lets swear him in play".
I want to go on record right now as saying that the fear factor will derail the JOEBAMA express, many of the white voters are going to have a change of heart just days maybe even hours before pulling the lever, I liken this to the movie PATTON, putting Obama in office during wartime would be like putting the soldier that Patton slapped around in charge of the third Army at a pivotal time in history, it wouldn't be the right thing to do.
McCain will win this election and thats the way the Clinton's want it, yes, the Clinton clan will be working behind the scenes to make sure that Obama is nothing but a bad memory when this is all done, Hillary only has one more of her nine lives left, politically speaking, and she is praying for an Obama loss so that she can fulfill her destiny, this will probably put a strain on Bills dating and social life, but I think he will be a team player and be a little more discreet.
I know that it sounds like I'm all over the place and maybe I am, but put your money in the kitty, this bet is a lock.

Monday, October 6, 2008


The slanted and biased media knows this better than anyone, they also know that they did not tell enough lies in favor of Gore and Kerry and they are not going to make that same mistake again with their boy Obama and his pet rock Joe Biden.
Most of the media will flat out lie about JOEBAMAS' record, but a lie by omission and truth obfuscation could be laughed off as an innocent mistake or irrelevant.
Make no mistake about, JOEBAMA is calling the shots and the media whores are dancing to whatever his tune of choice is for that particular political wind shift, this is not to say that McCain is without his own poor judgement on certain issues, but could you imagine what the media would do to McCain if he did not have his war record, they would be attacking with a vengeance like you have never saw before, the media knows that if they are not successful in getting JOEBAMA into the White house, they will be dismantled and they will lose any clout that they have. Integrity and credibility are no longer in the medias playbook, they have sold their collective souls to anti-American interests and liberal philosophy so when they tell you the sun won't rise in the east and the birds won't fly south for the winter, call them on it.

Friday, October 3, 2008


I would like to congratulate all of THE RATS ON THE HILL for their kind indulgence in rescuing our nation from certain collapse, good going...kudos...bully...highfive...yeehaw!!!
That is what I would do if I had the power, these good for nothing parasites almost ran our country into the ground leaving us vulnerable to the world at large, a world that hates us, due largely to the lack of leadership that has nearly deemed us a second rate power.
Luckily for us, we still hold the reigns of the financial world, if not for that we would have been eaten alive by the oil gangsters, that's right, are you starting to see how the common denominator(oil) is threatening the national security of our country, only about 3%-5% of the mortgages in this country are in trouble, nice smoke screen gang, but it won't work and the truth will surface faster than you think. How dare the RATS ON THE HILL risk everything for the sake of political power, these enemies of the state disguised in nice suits, drinking coffee with that sycophant Barbara Walters and the rest of that witches covey she hangs with, sorry Elizabeth, if term limits are good enough for a president, they are more that good enough for the rest of the RATS.
I'm just a good ole country boy transplanted to Georgia from Chicago, I love the outdoors and I love fishing, I used to hunt but I don't hunt any more...too much work. For those of you who have never shot a deer, I want to let you know what happens just moments after that deers heart stops pumping blood, once the deer has expired and the body temperature starts to drop, you will start to see ticks, those nasty little blood sucking parasites, start to release from their host, they realize that this source of nourishment is no longer viable for them to feed off of, so they get their bellies full of blood and then roam the forest floor in search of another victim.
Am I getting through to you here, am I drawing a clear parallel between a known parasite and a parasite disguised in a $2000 worth of designer clothes. This is nature folks, not every tick that hatches will find an unsuspecting blood donor, in fact most of them will die having never tasted the blood that nature programs them to find, but the ones that do find blood will always be successful, they have tasted the blood and know where to find it.
The RATS ON THE HILL and the scum on Wall Street are programmed the same way, once the blood(money) supply is cut off, they will go looking for another unwitting host to feed off of, and just like their blood sucking brethren, they will hog the most valuable commodity all while doing the least amount of work.


This is a family blog and I hate to use any type of "R" rated language, but, COME ON!!!!!.
How can anyone that works for a living trying to take care of their family and themselves even think twice about electing anyone that promises to raise taxes. The JOEBAMA crew has promised to do just that, take away more of your money by gun point.
In your wildest hallucinations, would you think the RATS ON THE HILL know better than you how your money should be spent, the bail out was a direct product of the RATS being bought off by the scum on Wall Street, we will never see that money again, but the RATS will take more and more and more and more, until there is no more to take, and that's damn' near what happened this time. The ship was sinking and the HEAD RATS were looking for life jackets, the music almost stopped and there were only a few chairs to be had, and look who got the seats, PELOSI and REID, two of the most despicable RATS that have ever crawled out of that sewer called Washington. Pelosi always has that smug look of a woman that has just publicly embarrassed her daughter in law, she knows that she can push the envelope a little further because she is a (gulp) woman, any male RAT that would dare take her head off in debate would be classified a bully and she knows it, her hideous partisan remarks about their failed bail out plan were classics, and to this you would consider giving the RATS more of your money in the form of taxes.
I would be willing to bet that Harry Reid was the kid that got chased home from school on a daily basis and hid behind his mothers skirt right before the cool kids got there hands on him, he is a cowardly wimp that needs a good bitch slappin' to bring him back to the reality that the only real accomplishment he has a stake in is the near collapse of the financial markets which he gladly took money from to buy more votes.
I could go on and on, but for your own well being as well as mine...say no to any RAT that wants to get their hands on more of your money....TERM LIMITS NOW...THROW THE RATS OUT!!